Tower Topography Lines 2.3.1
Tower Topography Lines v.2.3 allows, in asimple and intuitive manner, to perform a topographic survey andexport its results in a .dxf format file, which can be opened bymost CAD software (Computer-Aided Design software). Dataacquisition can be done directly in the field or can be entered onscreen. You only need to determine the position of starting andfinal points, and the application will automatically generateintermediate points.This software is very useful in order to define the trace ofpower lines, walls, fences, etc. as well as to calculate surfacesor perimeters. It includes a wide range of applications for everyneed.       News:- Improved buying points- X Drawing scale 1: 1000 / Y 1: 250 (scale suitable staking powerlines)- Acquisition of 99 intermediate points between two inputpoints- Draw in CAD​​:                     Profile                     Plant                     Towers                     Points taken away from the trace (trees, rocks, etc.)                     Picture taken with point (longitude, latitude and altitude)                     Direction North facing- Exclusive design in plant orientation points (trees, rocks,etc.)A very interesting application
Tower Topography Lines Demo 1.2
(SIMULACIÓN )Tower Topography Lines V.2.3.1 permite realizar de forma sencillaeintuitiva un levantamiento topográfico en formato dxf, quepuedeser visualizado en cualquier programa CAD ( computer-aideddesign).La adquisición de datos puede realizarse en obra ointroducirladirectamente en la pantalla. Solo se necesita un puntoinicial yotro final, el programa se encargará de generarautomáticamente lospuntos intermedios.Aplicación muy útil para conocer la traza por donde discurriráuntendido eléctrico, muro, para calcular áreas y/o el perímetro.Parainfinidad de necesidades que un instalador requiere en laobra.Novedades :- Mejora en la adquisición de puntos- Escala de dibujo X 1:1000 / Y 1:250 ( Escala idónea dereplanteode líneas eléctricas )- Adquisición de 99 puntos intermedios entre dospuntosintroducidos- Dibuja en CAD:PerfilPlantaTorresPuntos tomados alejados de la traza ( Arboles, piedras, etc )Cuadro con los puntos tomados ( Longitud, latitud y altura )Dirección de la orientación Norte- Dibujo exclusivo en planta de puntos de orientación (Árboles,rocas, etc )Una aplicación que no desinstalarás de su celular(Simulation)Topography Tower Lines V.2.3.1 allows simple and intuitive wayatopographical survey in DXF format that can be displayed in anyCADprogram (computer-aided design). Data acquisition can beperformedon site or enter it directly on the screen. Only a startpoint andan end is required, the program will automaticallygenerate theintermediate points.                Veryusefulto know where the trace will run a power line, wall, tocalculateareas and / or the perimeter application. To infinity ofneedsrequires an installer on site.News:- Improved buying points- X Drawing scale 1: 1000/1: 250 (suitable staking scalepowerlines)- Acquisition of 99 intermediate points between twopointsintroduced- Draw in CAD:                     Profile                     Plant                     Torres                     Pointstakenaway from the trace (trees, rocks, etc.)                     Picturetakenwith points (longitude, latitude and altitude)                     Northdirectionorientation- Exclusive drawing plant orientation points (trees,rocks,etc.)An application that does not desinstalarás your cell